Archive for March, 2009
Glossy reflections
Added Ashikhmin & Shirley’s Anisotropic Phong BRDF and Schlick’s BRDF (the ’94 paper) support for pure path tracing (implicit light paths only). My Schlick BRDF is probably broken. Adding these entailed abstracting a BRDF interface class, implementing importance sampling and computing BRDF/PDF. The daylight image is after sunset for a good reason. The sun would only contribute if a ray found it by chance… talk about noise.
Front row is Ashikhmin & Shirley Anisotropic Phong BRDF. 2nd row is Schlick’s anisotropic BRDF. Third row is my preexisting set of materials. Back row is A&S BRDF with measured reflectance values (in RGB. See previous post.) The floor is A&S BRDF and my fascimile of their texture.
Left image is Preetham daylight model. Right is Debevec’s Uffizi HDR environment probe.
2048 spp, 24-30 minutes each on a Q6600 2.4GHz Core 2 Quad.
This work is from May 2008.
5 commentsMeasured reflectance
Inspired by this beauty I set out for rendering with “measured reflectance” values.
FreeSnell comes with spectral data for a variety of materials in a series of .nk files, including the index of refraction (n), the extinction coefficient (k, aka absorbtion), and most importantly in this case, the reflectance. I converted the spectral reflectance into RGB by multiplying by a 6500 K blackbody emission spectrum, converting to XYZ, then to RGB, and normalizing by dividing by the red channel of a 6500 K spectrum converted to RGB. RGB values and code are below. The Spectrum class is in the pane source code. This is work from May 2008.
Metal | R G B values |
Chromium | 0.637800 0.628488 0.676412 |
Copper | 0.934587 0.606404 0.509491 |
Iron | 0.561852 0.533074 0.557609 |
Lithium | 0.911137 0.839446 0.767515 |
Nickel | 0.654712 0.575060 0.499619 |
Silicon | 0.348758 0.347516 0.415774 |
Tungsten | 0.513084 0.468396 0.448025 |
void nkToRefl(const char *file){ ifstream inFile;; if (!inFile){ cerr << "Error opening " << file << "\n"; return; } string str; getline(inFile, str); getline(inFile, str); fprintf(stderr, "%8s %30s reflectance = ", file, str.substr(18).c_str()); double eV, n, k, r; double h = 6.626068e-34; // m^2 kg/s double c = 299792458; // m/2 double ec = 1.60217646e-19; // C map reflsMap; while (!inFile.eof()){ inFile >> eV >> n >> k >> r; double nrg = eV * ec; // V = J/C => J = VC double wavelen = h*c/nrg; // nrg = h*c/l => l=h*c/nrg double nm = wavelen*1e9; reflsMap[nm] = r; } inFile.close(); vector wavelens, refls; for (map::iterator i=reflsMap.begin(); i!=reflsMap.end(); i++){ wavelens.push_back(i->first); refls.push_back(i->second); } Spectrum lightSpec(6500); // start out with light Spectrum reflSpec(&wavelens[0], &refls[0], wavelens.size()); lightSpec.scaleSpec(1/4.73223e+06); // normalize by red channel reflSpec.scaleSpec(lightSpec); // mult light by refl SbColor rgb = reflSpec.getRGB(); fprintf(stderr, "(%5f, %5f, %5f)\n", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]); } |